I apologize that this comic is a day late. Kumari is still over at her friends house and on top of that we had a costume party sunday night. So yea... Anyways, we should be back on track next week. Also, Kumari wished for me to apologize about the poor scan quality. We are both still beginning, so I hope you'll bear with us.
Oy ve. I tell you, this weekend has probably been
among the worst. Everything got cancelled on me. Except my homework, that
is. Oh well. I'll survive. I suppose. *angst*
here it is. The first comic and my graceful attempt to take over the world.
Kumari, my slave-artist, will probably have a rant ready for the next
comic, which will be up in one weeks time.
Hi hi ^-^,
Once again, it'sme. It's about 2:30pm on Sunday Pacific Time, and I haven't slept for more than 24 hours, nearing 30, I'm supposing. -_- yeah.
I am currently at a friends house, for personal reasons, and will remain here indefinately till the end of Oct. We are using all the strips that I made in advance right now, (you know, to be ahead of the game? O.o) because it's hard to draw here.^^;; I'm working on 4 right now, and can, hopefully, get it and 5 done in the little free time I have here before they come out. They probably won't be the greatest but...
Anyways, I'm about to black out here. Made the mistake of writing this on the bed. Eyes.. blurring... head dropping... ZZZzzzZZZ...
HiHi Everyone, this is Kumari. I hope you all will like our
strip. As you might be able to tell by now, the art will be varying degrees
O.o Just until I get used to drawing like this, I promise. I haven't been drawing all that long,
and I have started this in hopes of improving. And also the once a week
posting might increase later on, depending on how well I can learn to draw
these things^-^Thank you all